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Why Join IMAC?

How to Increase Student Retention and Make Better Black Belts Without Spending a Fortune
One of the challenges we all face as school owners and instructors is student retention.

Students come, and go.  They're at times inconsistent in attendance.  We all know this, and it's something that keeps us awake at night trying to find the right "formula" to keep them engaged, learning, and growing.

So how do we get them improve student retention, as well as overall performance of our students?  
Every student who enters your school faces the same challenge.  To earn their black belt, they have to summit their own "El Capitan".  

Your challenge, as their instructor, is to train and equip them so they can overcome their fear of failure, disbelief in their ability, or lack of confidence to successfully scale this precipice.

You've got to help them get to the top!
You teach students how to punch, kick, and block so they can protect themselves from an attacker.  You also teach them to perform at a high level so they can compete at a world-class level.

You may also offer weapons classes, grappling, or other upgrade programs.

But so does every other Black Belt Academy in your community.
Why would they choose your school over your competitors?

If you teach your students to be great practitioners of the martial arts, and they haven't learned the critical life skills from you to be successful in life, are they really a Black Belt?

If they can't lead themselves well, and make good choices, are they really representing the best in what it means to be a martial artist?
That's where we can help!

The International Martial Arts Council of America (IMAC) is a professional business development organization for martial arts school owners and instructors.

We empower our member school owners and instructors to not only teach martial arts at a high level, we also provide leadership and life skills training you can implement in your school to help your students learn to embody what it truly means to be a martial artist.

Imagine the impact if you're not only teaching students to be good martial artists, but to lead themselves well, to strive for excellence, and become role models for other students in your school and in their own community.  
Do you think you'll keep them longer?  Attract more students?  The answer is YES!
We provide leadership and life skills
content you can teach in your school!

If you're interested in creating not just good fighters or competitors, but also men and women of character who live out the guiding principles of Budo (honesty, integrity, self-discipline, self-control, service to others) that represent your school and your Art well, you need to join our Association.
What else does IMAC do for its Members?

MARKETING: Technology has changed how we market our services to reach new students, as well as stay engaged with existing students.

Understanding how to leverage social media to get in front of new students, to expand your reach and teach your art beyond the confines of your local community can make a HUGE impact in your influence, and your school's bottom line.  
We teach school owners and instructors how to leverage social media, create online content, and teach virtual classes so you're not bound to your local geography.  Today, you can truly teach students around the globe.
Are you a Black Belt teacher,
but a White Belt business owner?

BUSINESS MANAGEMENT: If you're like most school owners, you love the teaching aspect of what you do, but aren't overly excited about the business side of being a school owner.  IMAC helps school owners and instructors put systems and processes in place to effectively operate, manage, and grow their schools.
Do you talk, or are you
communicating or connecting?

COMMUNICATION: If you can't communicate well, it's like asking your students to read a book wearing a blindfold.  Understanding not only how to communicate, but to also connect, is a powerful tool to aid in student retention and performance.  

PSYCHOMETRICS:  Understanding how students uniquely learn is another powerful student retention tool most school owners don't employ - as most don't even know this resource exists.  When you can customize your training to the learning style of your students, results multiply.  
If you're interested in creating not just good fighters or competitors, but also men and women of character who live out the guiding principles of Budo (honesty, integrity, dignity, respect, self-discipline, self-control, & service to others) that represent your school and your Art well, you need to join our Association.
Membership has its benefits.  
Won't you join us today?

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